How Can You Save Up To 47% On Your ATTO?
Posted by Wayland Austin on
For many, over the last year, the commute to work has been a walk downstairs or through to the kitchen table. As restrictions ease, the commute to the office is back on. What do you want that commute to look like?
The health benefits of cycling, rather than driving, to work are evident. While the days of crowded trains and buses are likely a thing of the past. But people sometimes forget how significant the financial savings can be too.
Statistics* show that the average UK commuter spent £146 a month getting to work before the pandemic. This adds up to nearly £80,000 over a working lifetime. While London commuters’ costs are almost twice as high as elsewhere in the UK.
Put into perspective, the cost of a bicycle looks far more attractive when used as your mode of transport - especially when you can save up to 47% on the purchase price using the Green Commute Initiative Cycle to Work Scheme.
If you use this scheme, this means you can buy the top-of-the-range 11 speed ATTO from as little as £1,600 - tax free - all thanks to a UK Government incentive. And you’ll recoup the cost in 11 months or less.
What’s stopping you?

Green Commute Initiative
Unlike previous schemes, with the Green Commute Initiative there's no £1,000 limit to your purchase, so you can include all your accessories, and there’s no end-of-scheme charge when you’ve finished paying for your bike.
Save money on your commute and take the bike instead. It might just change your life.
*Survey by Total Jobs